C-shot Luminescent Skin Antioxidant Treatment

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Store: iossi

7 i lager

396,00 SEK

Hydrosolbaserat ansiktsserum med C-vitamin i en aktiv styrka på 10 %. Seumet har en lätt konsistens som lätt absorberas av huden. En energigivande boost av antioxidanter som effektivt lyser upp trött hy. Studier har visat att C-shot minskar hudens grovhet med 30 % efter 4 veckors regelbunden användning. C-shot minskar också talgutsöndringen med 23,3 % och ger huden en silkeslen känsla.

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About the product

Hydrosolbaserat ansiktsserum med C-vitamin i en aktiv styrka på 10 %. Seumet har en lätt konsistens som lätt absorberas av huden. En energigivande boost av antioxidanter som effektivt lyser upp trött hy. Studier har visat att C-shot minskar hudens grovhet med 30 % efter 4 veckors regelbunden användning. C-shot minskar också talgutsöndringen med 23,3 % och ger huden en silkeslen känsla.

Applicera en liten mängd serum på ren hud, morgon eller kväll. Förvaras i rumstemperatur på en mörk, torr plats.

Ingredienser (INCI)
Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium) Flower Water*, 3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, Propanediol, Betaine, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Benzyl Alcohol, Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium) Flower Oil, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Thymus Hiemalis Leaf Oil, Copaifera Reticulata (Copaiba) Balsam Oil, Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Leaf Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Fruit Extract, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Glycerin, Althaea Officinalis Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract, Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple) Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Dehydroacetic Acid, Aqua, Xanthan Gum, Sclerotium Gum, Lecithin, Pullulan, Silica, Citral**, Citronellol**, Geraniol**, Limonene**, Linalool**

* Organisk
** Naturlig ingrediens i eteriska oljor

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Leveranspriser och tid

Leveranser utförs inom Europeiska unionen.
Orderbekräftelse och all information om den kommer att skickas till den e-postadress som anges vid beställning i IOSSI.
Leveranstiden räknas från det ögonblick då betalningen bekräftas på IOSSIs konto.

Genomsnittlig leveranstid:

3-10 arbetsdagar

Kostnad för leverans:

Sändning till Europeiska unionen:

EU upp till 1 kg - 90 kr
EU 1-5 kg - 150 kr
EU 5-10 kg - 220 kr

Refund Policy


1.1. A consumer who has concluded a distant contract may, within 14 calendar days, withdraw from it without giving a reason and without incurring costs, except for the costs specified in point. 8.8 of the Regulations. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. A declaration of withdrawal from the contract can be made, for example:

1.1.2. in writing to the address: 32-015 Kłaj, Kłaj 927;

1.1.3. in electronic form via e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

1.2. An exemplary template of withdrawal form is included in Enclosure no 2 to the Consumer Rights Act and is additionally available on the Online Shop website in the withdrawal from the contract tab. The consumer can use the template form, but it is not obligatory.

1.3. The deadline for withdrawal from the contract begins:

1.3.1. for the contract whereby the Seller releases the Product, being obliged to transfer its ownership (for example the Sales Contract) - from taking the Product into possession by the consumer or a third party designated by the consumer, other than the carrier, and in the case of a contract where: (1) many Products are delivered separately, in batches or in parts - from taking possession of the last Product, batch or part or (2) when it consists in regular delivery of Products for a definite period - from taking possession of the first Product;

1.3.2. for other contracts - from the date of contract conclusion.

1.4. In the event of withdrawal from a distant contract, the contract is considered null and void.

1.5. The Seller is obliged immediately, not later than within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the consumer's statement on withdrawal from the contract, to return all payments made by the consumer, consumer the delivery costs of the Product (except for additional costs resulting from the delivery method chosen by the consumer other than the cheapest standard delivery method available in the Online Shop). The Seller shall refund the payment using the same method of payment as the consumer used, unless the consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of return, which does not cause any costs for him. If the Seller has not offered to collect the Product from the consumer themself, they may withhold the reimbursement of payments received from the consumer until the receipt of the Product or the delivery by the consumer of a proof of its return, whichever occurs first.

1.6. The consumer is obliged immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the date on which they withdraw from the contract, to return the Product to the Seller or hand it over to the person authorized by the Seller for pickup, unless the Seller suggested that they will pick up the Product themself. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the Product before its expiry. The consumer may return the Product to the following address: 32-015 Kłaj, Kłaj 927.

1.7. The Consumer is liable for the decrease in the value of the Product as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.

1.8. Possible costs related to the consumer's withdrawal from the contract, which the consumer is obliged to pay:

1.8.1. If the consumer has chosen the method of delivery of the Product other than the cheapest standard delivery method available in the Online Shop, the Seller is not obliged to refund the additional costs paid by the consumer.

1.8.2. The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the Product.

1.8.3. In the case of a Product being a service which performance - at the explicit request of the consumer - started before the withdrawal period, the consumer who exercises the right to withdraw from the contract after making such a request is obliged to pay for the services fulfilled until the withdrawal. The payment amount is calculated proportionally to the scope of the service provided, taking into account the price or remuneration agreed in the contract. If the price or remuneration is excessive, the basis for calculating this amount is the market value of the service provided.

1.9. The right to withdraw from a distant contract is not available to the consumer in relation to contracts:

1.9.1. (1) for the provision of services, if the Seller has fully provided the service with the express consent of the consumer who has been informed before the performance of the service that they will lose the right to withdraw from the contract after the performance of the service by the Seller; (2) in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the Seller has no control and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract; (3) in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated Product, manufactured according to the consumer's specification or serving to satisfy their individual needs; (4) in which the subject of the service is a product that is quickly deteriorating or has a short shelf-life time; (5) in which the subject of the service is a product delivered in a sealed package, which after opening the packaging can not be returned due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the packaging was opened after delivery; (6) in which the subject of the service are Products which after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items; (7) in which the subject of the service are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the conclusion of the Sales Contract, and which delivery may take place only after 30 days and which value depends on fluctuations in the market over which the Seller has no control; (8) in which the consumer explicitly demanded that the Seller should come to them for urgent repair or maintenance; if the Seller provides additional services other than those required by the consumer, or provides products other than spare parts necessary to perform the repair or maintenance, the right to withdraw from the contract is granted to the consumer in respect of additional services or products; (9) in which the subject of the service are sound or visual recordings or computer software delivered in a sealed package, if the packaging has been opened after delivery; (10) for delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of a subscription agreement; (11) concluded through a public auction; (12) for the provision of accommodation services, other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental, catering, services related to leisure, entertainment, sports or cultural events, if the contract designates a day or period of service; (13) for the delivery of digital content that is not stored on a tangible medium if the fulfillment of the service started with the consumer's express consent before the deadline to withdraw from the contract and after being informed by the Seller about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy


1.1 Grunden och omfattningen av säljarens ansvar gentemot kunden, om den sålda produkten har en fysisk eller juridisk defekt (garanti), anges i de allmänt tillämpliga lagarna, särskilt civillagen. För försäljningskontrakt som gjorts till 24 december 2014, grunden och omfattningen av säljarens ansvar gentemot att kunden är en fysisk person, som köper produkten i syften som inte är relaterade till en professionell eller kommersiell verksamhet, för bristande efterlevnad av produkten med försäljningsavtalen anges i de allmänt tillämpliga lagarna, särskilt i lagen om de särskilda villkoren för konsumentförsäljning och ändringar av civillagen av den 27 juli 2002 (Journal of Laws of 2002, nr 141, punkt 1176 med ändringar).

1.2. Säljaren är skyldig att förse kunden med en produkt utan brister. Den detaljerade informationen om säljarens ansvar på grund av en produktfel och kundens rättigheter anges på webbshopens webbplats på fliken Returer och reklamationer.

1.3. Ett klagomål kan göras av kunden, till exempel:

1.3.1. skriftligen till följande adress: 32-015 Kłaj, Kłaj 927;

1.3.2. i elektronisk form via e-post till följande adress: [email protected];

1.4 Det rekommenderas att kunden tillhandahåller i beskrivningen av klagomålet: (1) informationen och omständigheterna angående föremålet för klagomålet, i synnerhet typen och datumet för defekten; (2) begäran om att produkten överensstämmer med försäljningsavtalet eller ett uttalande om prissänkning eller återkallande av försäljningsavtalet; och (3) klagandens kontaktuppgifter - detta kommer att underlätta och påskynda säljarens behandling av klagomålet. Kraven som anges i föregående mening har endast form av rekommendationer och påverkar inte effektiviteten hos de inkomna klagomålen utan den rekommenderade beskrivningen av klagomålet.

1.5 Säljaren kommer att behandla kundens klagomål omedelbart, senast inom 14 kalenderdagar från dagen för inlämnandet. Om kunden som var konsument krävde ersättning eller borttagning av defekter, eller gjorde ett prissänkningsmeddelande med angivande av beloppet som priset ska sänkas och säljaren inte svarade på begäran inom 14 kalenderdagar, anses det att begäran var motiverad.

1.6. Kunden som utövar rättigheterna enligt garantin är skyldig att leverera den defekta produkten till följande adress: ul. Przykładna 3c / 5, 82-200, till exempel. I fallet med en kund som är en konsument ska kostnaden för leveransen av produkten bäras av säljaren, i fallet med en kund som inte är en konsument ska kostnaden för leveransen bäras av kunden. Om kundens leverans av produkten på grund av produkttypen eller metoden för installationen skulle vara alltför svår, är kunden skyldig att göra produkten tillgänglig för säljaren på den plats där produkten är.


2.1. Den detaljerade informationen om hur man använder den utomrättsliga metoden för att hantera klagomål och ansöka om anspråk samt reglerna för tillgång till dessa förfaranden för kunden som är konsument finns på webbplatsen för Byrån för konkurrens och konsumentskydd på: ttps: / /uokik.gov.pl/pozasadowe_rozwiazywanie_sporow_konsumenckich.php.

2.2. På byrån för presidenten för konkurrens och konsumentskydd finns en kontaktpunkt (telefon: 22 55 60 333, e-post: [email protected] eller en skriftlig adress: Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1, 00-030 Warszawa.) Vars uppgift bland annat är att ge konsumenterna hjälp i frågor som rör utomrättslig lösning av konsumenttvister.

2.3 En konsument har följande möjligheter att använda utomrättsliga metoder för att lösa klagomål och göra anspråk: (1) en ansökan om att lösa en tvist till en permanent god konsumentdomstol (för mer information, besök: http: //www.spsk.wiih .org.pl); (2) en ansökan om utomrättslig lösning av tvisten till handelsinspektionens voivodskapsinspektör (mer information på webbplatsen för den inspektör som är behörig för säljarens ekonomiska verksamhet); och (3) bistånd från distriktets (kommunala) konsumentombudsman eller sociala organisation, vars lagstadgade uppgifter inkluderar konsumentskydd (inklusive konsumentförbundet, sammanslutningen av polska konsumenter). Rådgivningen ges bland annat via e-post på [email protected] och på konsumenttjänsten 801 440 220 (callcenter på arbetsdagar, 8:00 - 18:00, samtalsavgift enligt operatörens taxa) .

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About the shop: iossi

Nature knows the answer to every question. It knows what beauty and strength are and we have decided to use it. We turn to tradition and carefully follow modern achievements to create excellent cosmetics based on nature's secrets.


Our products contain natural and organic oils and butter, independently prepared plant extracts and essential oils. We are looking for components in both Polish meadows and in the longest corners of the world.

Organic shea butter, an important ingredient in our products, comes from Africa. We import the best lavender oil from Bulgaria. The rosehip oil we use comes from the best cultivation of roses in the world, located in Chile. Aromatic sandalwood and patchouli are transported from India. And we find linseed oil and hemp oil in our Polish organic mills. {iossi} is characterized by carefully selected ingredients of the highest quality.

What is important to us?
The answer to your needs. We want to create natural cosmetics to meet each of us. We are looking for effective solutions for sensitive, allergic and problematic skin. We want to take care of your skin without damaging it, strengthen it, protect it and above all take care of it.

Ecology. Our cosmetics are natural, organic and environmentally friendly. We use plants that are grown without chemicals and sprays. We do not test on animals. Production ethics is important to us.
Security. {iossi} cosmetics contain only ingredients approved by COSMOS / Ecocert. Each product has undergone appropriate tests and is registered in the EU cosmetics product registration portal. They are free from harmful additives, artificial flavors and colors.

Why do they smell beautiful?
The unique smell of our products is a result of the use of natural essential oils. We use their remarkable properties: moisturizing, regenerating, antibacterial, firming or soothing. Knowledge of aromatherapy enables us to strengthen the effect of our cosmetics.

Where and how do we do it?
{iossi} Cosmetics manufacturing located in Kłaj, Poland. Here we create our recipes and designs of new cosmetics. Here on our own we drop herbs, prepare extracts, mix oil, choose the best components from which we create our cosmetics. Last but not least, here we pack them for you in beautiful glass containers. That is why we control every step of the production of our products.

Who am I?
I'm the founder of IOSSI and I have to say that I just like making cosmetics. From the first time I mixed some basic ingredients and added an essential oil - I knew I wanted to do it over and over again. When I create recipes, I have fun and I experiment, but at the same time, this work is a continuous process for learning. Biochemical news, latest discoveries, cosmetics and the whole natural treasure - millions of plants, all of which are worth knowing. I can discover their new applications until the end of my life. I am happy to do things for others and am looking for solutions that help, please, please my customers. It's like cooking for friends, which I once loved - now I make cosmetics for my friends.

There would be no {iossi} but helpful people I met on my way and who transferred their knowledge and skills to me. Thank you for your inspiration and support.
IOSSI. You are perfect by nature.

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