AYAN® Lavender Oil

Store: AYAN®

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289,00 SEK


From the flower to the bottle

AYAN® Lavender Oil is pure, certified organic and direct from our breathtaking lavender fields.

The lavender oil is the most used essential oil in the world today. It is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant, primarily through steam distillation and is one of the most complex naturally-occurring plant oils, rich in linalool, linalyl acetate, terpenes, and other organic molecules. Because of its wonderful fragrance, the oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations.

INCI: Lavandula Officinalis Flower Oil*, Linalool*, Limonene**naturally present in the oil

SIZE: 10ml.

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Wake up to your natural beauty and your inner light!

Natural cosmetics with the power of organic herbs, oils and active ingredients for beneficial and visible results. Change your daily beauty routine with conscious choices for the health of the whole body and in an environmentally friendly way.


AYAN® means light. Our products strive to awaken our inner light, which allows us to shine from the inside out. We believe that our beauty reflects our inner vibrant health, which is a combination of loving connection to our deep inner self, the conscious choices we make and our attitude towards the people around us and nature. Therefore, our organic and effective formulations help the body to awaken its natural health and charm.

AYAN® Product Quality Commitment is a promise to never use aggressive ingredients, fillers, thickeners, harmful preservatives, genetically modified and animal products, synthetic chemicals and fragrances or dyes.

AYAN® products follow the simple principle that with minimal ingredients we can achieve maximum synergy and stimulate the body's self-balancing processes towards natural health from within.

“AYAN® strives to make natural cosmetic products while ensuring that the best properties of each ingredient are combined to achieve the most effective and nourishing results. Because natural cosmetics are the "new" food for our skin and hair. ”- YANA, founder and creative of AYAN®

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About the product

The lavender oil has an exceedingly wide range of application and conceals incredible healing power:

  • alleviates headache and migraines
  • heals cut and wounds
  • acts as a great repellent
  • treats respiratory disorders
  • relieves muscles
  • treats eczema
  • helps in case of menstrual pain
  • reduces emotional stress
  • treats acne
  • stimulates hair growth
  • possesses antifungal and antiseptic properties
  • detoxes and rejuvenates the skin and hair
  • beneficial against dandruff and nail fungus

Concentrated product! Keep out of reach of children! In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water! Perform a skin patch test for sensitivity before using it! If you notice rash or redness on your skin – stop using the product! Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients, and in children under 12 years of age! Lavender oil should not be used in the first months of pregnancy or after abortion. Before using essential oils on the skin is recommended consultation with Aromatherapist! Homeopathy is not compatible with Aromatherapy! Not to be used by epileptic patients, breastfeeding women, children or people with individual intolerance to this essential oil or chemotherapeutic treated patients with cancer. To be used very carefully by individuals with low blood pressure. For asthmatics – do not use lavender oil in the presence of steam, this can cause an attack. Before use, it is necessary to make a test for tolerance! Storage method: Keep in a dark and cool place, tightly closed.

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